Prof. Sungnam Park
고려대학교 이과대학 화학과
서울시 성북구 안암로 145
사무실 : 82-2-3290-3144
팩스 : 82-2-3290-3121
전자메일 : spark8@korea.ac.kr
Sungnam Park, Ph.D.
Department of Chemistry,
College of Science, Korea University
145 Anam-ro, Seongbuk-gu
Seoul, 02841, Korea
Tel: 82-2-3290-3144
Fax: 82-2-3290-3121
Email : spark8@korea.ac.kr
2005. 8: University of Chicago, Chicago, USA, Ph.D. (Advisor: Professor Norbert F. Scherer).
1999. 2: Chemistry, Korea University, Seoul, Korea, M.S. (Advisor: Professor Keon Kim)
1997. 2: Chemistry, Korea University, Seoul, Korea, B.S.
Career Summary
2009. 3 - Current : Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, Full Professor, Department of Chemistry, Korea Unversity
2024. 9 - Current : Director of BK21 Four R&E Center for Chemistry, Department of Chemistry, Korea University
2022. 1 - Current : Chief Executive Officer, Deep4Chem Corp.
2021. 3 - 2021. 5 : Dean, Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL), Korea University
2018. 7 - 2020. 6 : Department Head, Department of Chemistry, Korea University
2005. 9 - 2009. 2 : Department of Chemistry, Stanford University, Postdoctoral research associate (Professor Michael D. Fayer)
2005. 9 - 2009. 2 : PULSE Institute, SLAC, Stanford University, Postdoctoral research associate (Professor Kelly J. Gaffney)